Everything you need to start a Catholic Moms Group at your parish…
We help start three types of groups
Mothers Group

Mothers & Tots

Virtual Meetups

Ministering to Catholic Moms
Moms could use a special place to nurture their faith life… and the faith life of their children. We know family life is strained by technology, social media, popular culture, and shifting moral values. Moms feel the pressure. Our solution is a Catholic Moms Group of like-minded, faith-filled women who support each other, pray for each other, and enjoy each other’s company. You can join us by starting a Catholic Moms Group at your parish. Keep reading to learn how!
We have already launched Catholic Moms Groups at over 45 parishes. When we launch a group… it immediately adds to parish life. Moms cherish their ability to connect with spirit-filled moms in a new way.
What is CatholicMomsGroup.com?

Faith Partners
We launched our ministry as faith partners of the Archdiocese of Toronto. We are featured on their website. Cardinal Collins has blessed our ministry. Now we are growing to serve the entire English speaking world. Our activities are single purpose… nurturing moms in their vocation of motherhood. We take no political positions. We advocate for no causes. We exist only to serve moms.

Our membership website offers a turnkey package to Catholic parishes interested in starting a Catholic Moms group. To gain access to this package simply join our community by becoming a member. Everything you need is laid out step-by-step. We made it very easy to follow. When you join, you’ll get access to video tutorials, expert interviews, dozens of tools, live Q & As, and a vibrant community welcoming you with open arms.

Virtual Online Groups
Looking to make Catholic friends? No Catholic mothers group in your diocese? No problem! We offer virtual mothers group meetups for moms who do not have a mothers group in their area.
What Do Members Get?

Our training resources are detailed and complete. We’ll explain how to start a moms group. We’ll cover best practices for running a group. We’ll give you pro tips to engage moms and keep them coming back. We’ll explain how parishes grow their mothers group. And lots more.

Mothers group leaders are the backbone of our ministry. We host a community forum for group leaders. Our leaders, who understand the challenges of running a group, share their experience. You get the help you need, when you need it. We are in this together.

We have a treasure trove of expert interviews. Meet Catholic authors of books on mothering. Meet priests who host groups at their parishes. Meet other inspiring Catholic moms. Sometimes we invite experts in event planning, fundraising, legal issues, social media, and communications to share their expertise.

Members get exclusive access to dozens of time-saving resources they can adapt to the needs of their group. Need ideas for a Mother’s Group meeting? Looking for content to share with moms? Looking for activities for tots? We’ve got you covered.

Our ministry was launched 6 years ago. That’s given us plenty of time to assemble dozens of authentic Catholic tools designed specifically for moms groups. Our 52-Week Study Guide, posters, newsletters, signage, ministry forms, checklists, and e-books have all been designed to look beautiful and inviting.

All of our materials are 100% authentically Catholic. We are faithful to all teachings of the Catholic Church; we respectfully follow the Magisterium; and we are obedient to the pastors, bishops, and hierarchy of the Church. We most definitely love Mary, Mother of God, Our Blessed Mother.

Need a quick answer? A quick solution? A quick tool? This section will give you exactly what you need to overcome dozens of roadblocks you may have faced in the past.

We regularly schedule live Q & A sessions. Ask whatever questions you have on any specific topic. We love sharing practical tips and insights over coffee. Our training sessions also include opportunities to ask lots of questions. In addition, as a member you can also join our private Facebook Group… available exclusively to members.

The pandemic didn’t stop us from ministering to moms. We have been hosting well-attended online mothers group meetups since March 2020. We have had the great privilege of ministering to moms in Ireland, Ghana, South Africa, Mexico, Germany, Puerto Rico, the Czech Republic and beyond.
More Benefits of Becoming a Member
Catholic Mothers Group... Starter Kit
We are very proud of our Mothers Group Starters Kit. There is nothing else like it. It is perfect for Catholic parishes wanting to start a moms group. When you join for a full year … you’ll automatically get our Starter’s Kit… PLUS everything else you need to start and run a Mothers Group for over a year. At that point, it is simple to renew for year two.
Our Blessed Mother, Intercessory Prayer
Our ministry is consecrated to Our Blessed Mother. We believe that she is the perfect model of motherhood. Each of our Catholic mothers groups is asked to pray for the intentions of their own group, but also the intentions of all groups in our ministry. We have two Masses a month celebrated specifically for our members. The Sisters of the Precious Blood are our prayer intercessors.
Dozens of Groups Have Been Started
We love launching new groups to minister to Catholic moms. We can’t count the number of beautiful group meetings we’ve attended over the years… and it never gets old. Catholic moms loving on and supporting other moms in their faith journey inspires everything we do. Groups in our ministry have collectively held hundreds of meetings, each a little different. The learning never stops. This membership site was created to supercharge the number of moms we can minister to. Our feeling is that every Catholic mom on the planet should have access to a meeting, regardless of where they live. We have poured all our resources, expertise, passion, and excitement into making it happen. Now we want to share it with you! We would be delighted to have you join our ministry! Once you become a member, the magic starts to happen.
Note from the founder Dorothy Pilarski
“When a parish ministers to the mothers in their community, they minister to the family. It has a ripple effect. It is impossible to fully describe the fruits I have witnessed from launching mothers groups. The secular model of motherhood, in my opinion, minimizes motherhood as a vocational call from God. Mothering can be a deeply spiritual journey; a way to holiness; and a means of sanctifying the family. Our Blessed Mother is a perfect model for motherhood. Let us have recourse to her.
“We created the Catholic Mothers Group member community because we wanted to multiply the good we see in our local ministry. Parishes outside our archdiocese regularly approach us requesting access to our library of materials. Now that our membership site is live, we can share our resources, tutorials, knowledge and expertise with the whole Catholic world. This membership website is for Catholic parish staff, and especially Catholic moms, who need a cheerleader, occasional guidance, quick access to tools, step-by-step directions, and tender suggestions…. and would love access to a library of resources dedicated to ministering to moms.”
Featured In
“Some of the most outstanding initiatives in the Church emerge in a natural and organic way when a great passion for mission coincides with a legitimate societal need. I truly believe the Catholic Mom’s Group is an example of such a movement.”
– Fr. Eric Mah, Pastor of St. Joseph the Worker
“This beautifully-layed-out publication called One Mother’s Heart: How to Start a Mothers’ Group, draws you into the wonder and beauty of God’s call to motherhood through pictures, articles, and recommended resources. I highly recommend this! “
– Kimberly Hahn, author of Chosen and Cherished.
“I can think of no other group in the Catholic Church today other than Catholic Moms Group that provides and aids Catholic mothers with the necessary wisdom and support!”
– Fr. Daren Bryk CC, Associate Pastor, St. Timothy Church
“During the COVID lock down I have attended several virtual meetups. They have all been a saving grace! Your ministry is definitely helping me in trying to be a better Catholic mom.”
– Anna
“When the Catholic Moms Group started at my parish, I think I breathed a sigh of relief – finally a group of moms that share the same faith, the same values and (hopefully) had kids the same age as mine! “
– Jennifer Ambal
“As Mother’s Group Leader, I find it rewarding serving moms in my parish. Providing a community for like hearted Catholic moms to support each other in their vocation of motherhood and grow deeper in their Catholic faith is a remarkable experience.”
– Lindsay MacIntosh
How much is the membership?
$399 US per parish (first year)
SIGN UP today, get BONUSES!!!
for a LIMITED TIME get full access to our membership portal
PLUS all training modules
PLUS everything you need to start and
run a Catholic Moms Group for more than a solid year,
PLUS a Mother’s Group Starter Kit
shipped by UPS right to your door!
“Providing a community where mom’s can gather and support each other helps empower moms to nurture their own faith and feel confident in their role as a mother. Pope Francis noted that, “a mother helps her children grow up and wants them to grow strong…she makes sure her children grow capable of accepting responsibilities, of engaging in life, of striving for great ideals.” The Catholic Mom’s Group, led by Dorothy Pilarski, offers an exceptional opportunity to seamlessly begin a mom’s group. They provide everything you will need to start and maintain a group, while allowing local autonomy for a group to create their own unique style. The online material is exceptional with enough to keep a mom’s group involved for years to come – I highly recommend it!“
-Teresa Hartnett, Director of Family Ministry, Diocese of Hamilton
“It was wonderful “getting in” and seeing the back end of the Catholic Moms Group membership website.
I was astonished at the level of thought and detail put into every section. The professional production of the videos and variety of activities and materials is nothing short of amazing. I had been planning on a Catholic Moms’ Group for my parish but now that I have seen what is available I am going to reach out to our Bishop and try to include the whole diocese. We have a unique situation where something like 42 of our 47 parishes are not accessible by road. These are small, small parishes in remote Alaskan communities. I realized that the beautiful thing about the Catholic Moms’ Group materials is how easily they fit an online meeting format. It would allow us to unite moms from all of our parishes in support and prayer and community. Dorothy’s program is changing lives and we are truly blessed to have found it. “
-April Smith, St. Nicholas Catholic Church, North Pole, Alaska